What Thursday Song Are You?
This quiz was orginally made by 'geekbarrell' on quizilla.
I have made the questions into a working quiz and have altered a few things here and there. You can view the orginal quiz
Don't take the results too seriously, Thursday songs are quite emo, Enjoy!
Ready, set, go. Your problems in a nutshell:
Nothing. I'm losing you in the transmission.
Can you save someone who destroys everything?
A lost love. You cannot forget.
Getting past every day. Living.
A part of you has died with another.
Trying to cope, get through, as the world rushes past. Left behind.
Disapointment. Misplaced trust. Knocked down and alone.
Dashed hopes, the end of your dreams.
Feeling desperate. The darkness seems neverending. Isolated.
Pick a lyric. Preferably one you can connect with somewhat.
And holes in clouds are minutes passing. Rescind this line and several ties. The skyline unfolds into explanation.
Here in this life we seem so lost. On this side of brightness we don't know where to go. I hope we can make it through this night.
Talking to the other side of death, hearing the words that choke memories into flatlines, I'm calling your name, hoping for something to wash these dreams of you away.
When you live in a nightmare, it's written all over your face.
So keep your hands to yourself. In this transit station reconnection to our lives. In transit like my voice cutting through this line.
And on the first day I'll dress this city in flames, after all the things you say you hate me for being this way.
Now the lungs collapse and the air is getting thin. All breath expired. Is it too late to heal?
Standing on the edge, casting lots to set me up before you knock me down off the summer's edge and drown me.
Jet black - The ink that spells your name. Jet black - the blood that's in your veins.
Your Sound?
A mix of everything, seperated and screaming, almost as if you are battling with yourself.
Questioning, distressed. Contemplative. Hopeless. Dwelling on _.
Quiet, a whisper almost. Recollecting. Inner strength.
Melancholy and strangely beautiful. Holding on to last notes. Thoughtful.
Soft, mournful voice. Heartbreaking. In turmoil.
Wanting and pained. Wishing for. Solemn. Desperate cries.
Suffering, miserable, paranoid. Full of guilt. Lost.
The sound of the wheel of fortune turning. Hopeful yet restrained.
Toned down. Pensive. Melodic. Regretting. Set like a story.
Another set of lyrics. Pick a lyric. Mye-ep. Go.
We crossed out the eyes, put lines through these cries, we pulled all the leaves from the trees that fall.
And so often we form communities only to use them as exclusionary devices, and we forget that somewhere man is beside himself with grief. And somewhere people are calling for teachers and no one's answering.
I wake up every morning from the same dream and then I kill it. But you can't change the letters when the ink dries.
Have we lost what we love? Have we said everything? Does it change anything? Stare at the clock, avoid at all costs, this emptiness.
Pull your punches and burn with your cigarettes. Pulled like a punch and burnt like a cigarette forever.
Can you stop the train, cause it some delay? The change machine lied and it's too late to scream.
That sometimes words give up and silently walk off the edge the edge of the page. And here the cry opens up and reveals the word inside, the crack in the porcelain.
So keep your hands to yourself and relay the message to your friends that nothing's wrong. Reverse reception on this lifeless satellite. Push this button. End the transmission
I sewed it up, stitched all these dead end streets into the sewn up seams of my heartstrings unwind [unwound]. Like a petal pulled from an open flower, surrounded by fields where children sigh but don't make a sound.
Images/Ideas that hold a deeper meaning for you: Or maybe which, to you, seems to be the neatest, most interesting.
Purity (or lack of), Nature, Survival
Night, darkness. Crimson. Sight. Screams.
Falling apart of. An ending of. Downfall.
Communication [Failure of]. Events, memories.
White/Snow. The covering of something horrible, making it look beautiful. Blood.
Imperfection in/a taking away of what is supposed to be beautiful.
Black. Fire and flames. Life and Death.
The idea of sleep, escaping reality. Realization.
Making stupid mistakes, rash decisions. Falling in love at first sight.
Your Message?
When it's over, nothing can change to ever make it right.
Try and live.
Make it through the heartbreak that comes with just living through one day.
The absence makes relations come undone.
Take the chance. Celebrate life.
Drain the blood from the valentine and see the trace of blood in a love song.
Tomorrow exists for us to become new again.
Fall in love just to get knocked down.
The sun is on its way, we will never die. It's not too late to heal.
When all questions have been answered result will appear under here.